Course curriculum

  • 1

    Teacher Toolkit - Pedagogical Self-study

    • Welcome to Creative Classroom!

    • How to implement the Creative Classroom program?

    • Welcome to the Pedagogical Self-study!

    • How to self-study

  • 2

    Transversal Competencies in the Finnish National Curriculum

    • The Finnish Education Approach

    • The 7 Transversal Competences as a goal

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    Creative Classroom Phenomenon-based Program

    • Interdisciplinary Learning

  • 4

    Skills, Competencies and Character Qualities

    • Transversal Competences = 21st Century Skills

    • HOT Skills & Creativity

  • 5

    Active Learning

    • Active Learning

    • Phenomenon-based Learning

    • Facilitation

    • Peer Learning

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    • Assessment

    • Portfolio

    • Exhibition

  • 7

    Pedagogical test

    • Quiz- Interdisciplinary Learning

    • Quiz - Peer learning