Learning Unit Content

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    • Self-assessment

    • Peer Review

  • 3

    P1 INTRO: Finding Forms - 3 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Step-by-step

    • Materials & Tools

  • 4

    P2 RESEARCH: Me and My Forms - 3 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Step-by-step

    • Gallery

    • Materials & Tools

  • 5

    P3 ANALYZE: Forms in Art & Architecture - 3 h

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    P4 INNOVATE: Forms in the City - 3 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Step-by-step

    • Materials & Tools

    • 2D form templates

  • 7

    P5 HANDS-ON: From 2D to 3D - 2 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Materials & Tools

    • Step-by-step

    • 3D form templates

    • Form Detective Checklist

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    P6 GROUP WORK: My City - 4 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Step-by-step

    • Gallery

    • Materials & Tools

  • 9

    P7 REFLECT: Learning Portfolio - 4 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Inspirational Lecture

    • Step-by-step

    • Materials & Tools

    • Portfolio Template

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    P8 SHARE: Final Exhibition - 2 h

    • Project Plan Description

    • Step-by-step

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    Unit certification for teachers

    • Ready to start teaching? -quiz

    • Picture report & hand in